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yalahar quest
by Mukarten

Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 322
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 14
yalahar quest
hi i wondered if anyone could describe how difficult the final part of yalahar quest was and if it would be easy enough for a lvl 245 knight and 175 mage to complete if not would anyone be interested in helping.
27.08.15 16:25:59

Profession: Elder Druid
Level: 188
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 51

There is screenshot of one big team doing it.
When you will get team like that, easy.
But I dont think if it will be possible with 245 knight and 175 sorcerer. You need someone to heal you.
28.08.15 06:00:35

Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 322
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 14
ok cheers it will take awhile to get a team like that together lol
28.08.15 15:59:33
Will Smith

Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 429

Posts: 19
I did it with Megan & Jason, they are high lvl though...

Indeed if you are avg 200 level you need quite some ppl. Let's say 2 eks, 2 eds to heal them and then 2 random helpers for dmg (minimum). You can ofc do it with even less players if you efficiently use wild growths.
29.08.15 08:01:45
Edited by Will Smith
on 29.08.15 08:02:35

Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 165
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 6
im working on the yalahar quests. when i get to the end, if you still havent done it, me and tiny would be willing to party.
12.09.15 06:37:37

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